It’s a great question and the answer is one of the core reasons behind our success.
In short; inbound marketing. We offer CPD events, networking opportunities to ambitious professionals keen to advance their careers.
The knock on effect, is that when the people we help are ready to find a new role, they contact Number Fifteen Recruitment Market first.
And to us, that’s the true value we bring. Because anyone can stick an advert up on a job board. Yet few recruitment companies have an active community of professionals like we do.
It is estimated that the retained model can reduce the time spent on recruitment projects by as much as 30%.
How? Well, being a sales professional or marketer is a multifaceted role. Success is about having the right hard skills, but also the right soft skills. And in many ways, the softer skills matter more, because they’re harder to develop.
So when we deliver a shortlist to you we want you to see the full candidate. A CV, with the hard skills but also a video of the candidate answering 2 or 3 questions you’ve set.
And that’s where you’ll save time. Because with more information about a candidate you’ll know whether or not someone will be a good fit much earlier in the process and therefore interview fewer candidates.
Number Fifteen Recruitment Partnership Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 15662037) The Hatchery, Top Barn Business Centre, Holt Heath, Worcester, WR6 6NH. VAT registration number 466116100